30 Amazing Tips to Lose Weight and Burn Fat

lose weight-burn fat


Do you want to lose weight, feel and look great? Fat loss is possible to accomplish if you have the right knowledge and determination for it. I have witnessed many people who have lost significant unwanted weight to reach their ideal healthy weight. Lose weight to feel and look great!

Some people make a mistake along the way, and it may cost them time and energy. Through trial-error you will figure it out eventually. So don’t ever give up on your goals. The success is behind the door. It is you who should open that door to get what you desire.

You don’t need any supplements to lose weight. There is no magic pill out there. Once you follow the tips below, you will be on your way to transform your body naturally by achieving your ideal weight and increase your vitality and happiness.


I am going to start with the most important tip. Sleep might sound like a natural and known tip. But wait a second. Do you know how important sleep is to your health, appearance, energy, and productivity? The most important factors one would possibly ask to be vital and happy.

Burning fat depends on hormonal health, and sleep quality is crucial to balance your hormones. It may be a good idea to sleep more to see better results in your weight loss progress.


You should set a realistic goal first. Don’t expect to lose a significant amount of weight in a short period. Go slowly and be patient. Don’t believe everything you see and read or you may be disappointed and give up on your dream goal.


This step is critical. Grab a pen and notebook or use a Smartphone app if you have one to make things easier. We don’t want guesswork. Because you might end up eating a lot less than what you should, or you could eat more calories than you need.

For example, there are guys out there who want to gain weight and think that they eat a lot, but once they calculate how many calories they consumed, it surprises and disappoints them. Same as losing weight, you need to know how much you are consuming daily estimate. It will just be a habit.


Yes, you heard it right. Nobody should assume that everything is written on the internet is 100 % correct or accurate for everyone. Because if something is good for someone doesn’t mean that it may work for you too. Everyone is different. You need to figure out what is better for your body, to do so you need to try and see how you feel.

I will give you an example. Most people say that low carb is the way to lose weight. It is not true. Some people gain weight by eating heavy carbs, but on the other hand, others gain weight by eating too much protein and fats. So this all depends on your body type.


Stop eating foods that are damaging to your body and making you sick and fat. No cakes, pastry, sweets, pop, packaged frozen foods and ext. Such foods put you in a lose-lose situation by not only slowly killing you from inside and also by wasting your money.

Stop the junk food and consume nutritious food instead. You are not only going to get healthier and in shape, but you may also save some money. You can use that money to buy healthier foods instead.


I want you to pay close attention to this one because this has a lot to do with people who have failed to try numerous different diets. If one thing works for someone, it doesn’t mean that it may work for you too, diet and exercise wise.

A type of food which is beneficial for someone can be poisonous for you, and you would never know it until you are in a point that you feel ill or sensitive to so many kinds of foods. Then, you may realize that kind of foods are not suitable for you and slowly damaging your body.

So you must have been already figured out what type of food is making you feel good and which ones are giving you discomfort after you eat them. This method should also be implemented for types of exercises. Specific exercises might not be suitable for your body. So it is your job to find out which ones are more effective. For example, when I had digestive issues in the past, I would avoid lying on my stomach to do leg curls and skip some back exercises that put pressure on my abdominal. 

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