5 Secrets to Cure and Heal Acne Naturally

cure acne  beautiful skin

Acne can negatively affect your beauty and can lower self-confidence. You have probably tried various things and ways to get rid of it but they just didn’t work well enough.

Skin problems can be stubborn and may keep showing up, and sometimes at a very unwanted time, speaking of special events or occasions. So how do we control the acne breakouts and how do we get rid of acne for good?

Before jumping into buying supplements or creams you must first understand the root cause of the problem. Once you understand the underlying cause, you will find a better solution. There is a reason for everything and there is a solution for them.

 Many people suffer from acne for years, teenagers even so many adults but they don’t take action or end up giving up. If you are like some people out there who have never thought they would struggle with acne because once they had beautiful glowing skin, but sometimes we humans experience things that we would never expect to happen.

You can have acne on your face and all over your body. Some people are prone to it, while some people are not. I will explain this to you as well. Because that is why some people have clear skin all their lives.

I have seen and met many people all over the world who experienced zero skin problems all their lives and I have seen people who are still suffering from this condition even in their late adult years.

I don’t recommend any supplements, creams, or lotions because you don’t need them. They are a waste of money. The answer and cure are very simple. You just need to understand it and be disciplined and patient to allow healing and vitality in your life. 

The Real Reasons Why You Get Acne

Everything is connected. There are vicious cycles. You are doing something wrong. Something is wrong in our lifestyle and diet that needs to be changed. Sit down, meditate and figure out what you think might be the cause of frequent acne.

There are 5 major reasons why you suffer from skin conditions.

Stress, Worry, Anxiety and Depression

Most of us experience acne breakouts when stress is on the rise and there is a reason for this. When your body is under stress, there is a hormone fluctuation that causes an increase in the amount of oil your skin secretes which can cause acne

Stress doesn’t directly cause acne or breakouts, but it does act as a trigger by preventing and harming important bodily functions. Stress and anxiety can increase the chance of acne by:

-Weakening the digestive system and immune system

-By causing hormonal imbalances

-Increase toxic overload

-Reducing vital minerals and vitamins

-Causing sleep problems


Figure out what stresses you and avoid it and try to reduce it.

Make sure you get sufficient sleep so your body is strong enough to cope with stress.

Eat a healthy and balanced diet to keep your body and mind functioning properly.

Practice yoga, meditation and relaxation techniques such as deep breathing regularly.

Poor Functioning Digestive System

Yes, the root cause of acne is digestive issues. Stomach problems such as indigestion, IBS, acid reflux, gas, bloating, belching and heartburn are signs of a poorly functioning digestive system.

In the long run, indigestion can have a big impact on your health, energy, vitality and happiness.

Lack of stomach acid is caused by an unhealthy lifestyle and bad eating habits. It is responsible for breaking down your food and helping the body absorb nutrients properly.

Undigested food can create a toxic overload and inflammation that causes skin problems and hormonal acne.


Avoid junk and processed food.

Reduce fried and oily foods from your diet.

Eat more nutritious foods such as vegetables and fruits.

Chew your food properly.

Don’t eat late at night.

Choose natural and organic foods.

Sleep well and stress less.

Toxic Overload and Inflammation.

As you are probably aware by now, what you eat matters. You are what you eat and digest. Many foods people eat these days are loaded with additives and contain chemicals that put us in a losing situation by creating health symptoms.

How? The unhealthy foods we eat are not only less nutritious, but it is also more damaging so you don’t get enough vitamins and minerals. On top of that, we consume toxic additives so that our liver needs to work harder to filter them out of our bodies.

This vicious cycle causes inflammation and an acidic environment. If you especially have a sensitive body and digestive system, you will be prone to acne and experience skin issues quickly.

Your precious organ liver may be sluggish due to all the harmful chemicals we are putting in our bodies.

It adds up and over time your liver may become exhausted to the point that it can no longer process and filter the bad stuff out of your system efficiently, therefore causes fatigue, depression, digestive issues, skin problems, even anger.


Try to eat clean and healthy at all times.

Detoxify regularly by fasting and juicing. Give your organs a chance to heal.

Eat enough fiber each day so you can have better digestion and elimination.

Stay away from pollution and be around nature instead.

Hormonal Imbalances

Hormonal imbalances are the main reasons why you have acne even though you are not a teenager, and perhaps in your late 20s or even late 30s.

When you suffer from hormonal imbalance, the chances of acne breakouts increase, as well. The reason why you have a hormonal imbalance is connected to two other reasons

I will explain in this blog: toxicity and nutritional deficiency. If your body is healthy and has enough vitamins and minerals, you would not experience a hormonal imbalance in the first place.

Do you see how everything is connected? The main cause of all of this is stress and bad or wrong diet.


Eat a balanced, healthy and nutritious diet all the time.

Detoxify regularly.

Lower your stress levels.

Exercise, lift weights and do yoga.

Vitamin and Mineral Deficiency.

Mineral deficiencies are one of the biggest reasons acne occurs. Zinc and Vitamin B5 deficiency both play a big role in frequent acne breakouts on teenagers’ and adults’ skin.

What Causes Mineral Deficiencies?

Bad lifestyle

You don’t get adequate sleep.

You don’t eat enough and healthy.

High-stress levels

Toxins from food and air

Malnutrition caused by unhealthy eating habits in the past


Increase sleep quality

Eat healthy nutritious foods.

Lower your stress levels.

Detox regularly and give your organs a chance to heal.

Consume enough healthy calories.

As you can see, acne is not caused by one problem. Acne is a result of a combination of several essential factors. Every one of them is connected.

When you implement the above steps and are consistent, you can be free of acne and on your way to a beautiful, vibrant, and glowing skin. 

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