Why I Never Eat Deli Meat, and You Shouldn’t Either

Why I never eat deli meats

I avoid deli meat for several reasons. Deli meats are one of the food types that bother my sensitive stomach, and as you know, I have a smart stomach, so I can tell you something is wrong with this food. In this blog, you will learn what it does to your body and health, as well as why you should avoid them.

Deli meats are known to cause stomach issues and can have adverse effects on overall health. They contain various chemicals used for preservation, which can lead to water retention, bloating, headaches, and mood swings. Furthermore, the consumption of processed meats has been linked to an increased risk of cancer and heart disease.

Processed meat is typically preserved using methods such as curing, salting, smoking, drying, or canning. Examples of processed meat products include sausages, hot dogs, salami, ham, bacon, corned beef, smoked meat, beef jerky, and canned meat. Let’s continue to explain the dangers and risks of eating processed meat.

The use of nitrates and nitrites in deli meats can lead to the formation of cancer-causing substances. Moreover, some deli meats contain coloring agents that pose health risks and are often high in sodium. Additionally, they are susceptible to contamination with Listeria monocytogenes, a potentially deadly type of bacteria.

Recently An 88-year-old Missouri woman was among more than 40 people sickened with listeria food poisoning tied to a deadly outbreak involving deli meats.

The retired psychotherapist said she spent nine days in a hospital and 11 in a rehabilitation center last month because of what doctors confirmed was a listeria infection. 

Consumption of deli meats, whether cured with synthetic or natural sources of nitrates and nitrites, has been associated with increased cancer and heart disease risk. The compounds formed from nitrates and nitrites may contribute to the development of cancer.

According to JNCI Cancer Spectrum, a significant number of cancer cases and deaths from heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes are linked to processed meat consumption each year. Moreover, recent food poisoning outbreaks involving deli meats have highlighted the potential dangers associated with these products.

Overall, eating processed meats has been associated with an increased risk of various chronic diseases, including high blood pressure, heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and bowel and stomach cancer.

In conclusion, the chemicals present in processed meats, along with certain cooking methods, contribute to their potential health risks, including an increased risk of cancer. The consumption of these products over a long period may elevate the risk of chronic diseases and should be approached with caution.

I’ve traveled to many countries, and I’ve noticed that deli meat consumption is significantly higher than expected in some of them. This explains why the new generations that consume processed meat on a regular basis appear to be less healthy and unhappy.



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