Shocking Secret Truth About Marijuana.

As you know, Marijuana aka, Cannabis or weed is being legal in Canada and USA soon. It has been legally used medically with a prescription. Some think Marijuana is harmful to you and some people think it is beneficial for you. The only good thing about Marijuana is because it is a stress reliever. It is also an herb.

But, we can call it natural or unnatural. Natural, because it is a green herb. Unnatural, because it makes you high. It changes the state of your mind. Alcohol does the same thing it makes you drunk. Marijuana makes you high.

Alcohol is bad for you because it damages your organs, lowers your energy. Also sucks your precious vitamins and mineral out of your body. So It makes you drunk, and you forget about your worries and have fun. But everything in this life has its price… You lose vitamins and mineral. You lose energy. That’s why long-term alcohol drinkers feel terrible after stopping drinking it.

Marijuana, on the other hand, makes you high, forgot about worries, good for appetite and sleep. Maybe beneficial for depression for some people. But Cannabis also uses your vitamins, especially vital mineral such as Zinc.

Some think Cannabis is good for digestion, but it is bad for digestion. Marijuana decreases stomach acid. Why? Because to cope with stress it uses zinc from your body, from the food you eat. The more you smoke or use, the more you lose. Zinc is needed for stomach acid as well as other vital vitamins and minerals.

When you are high, most eat a lot especially junk food. Unhealthy food ruins your digestion and lowers stomach acid. Do you see the connection? But you are high; you feel good right… When you stop using marijuana after a long term of use. Some or most people would probably feel terrible from the withdrawn effects. Marijuana users also tend to eat late since they get hungry at evening. People also notice that they have stomach problems, no appetite, nausea, indigestion.

The longer you use and depend on cannabis the higher the chances you will mess up your stomach. Don’t forget everything has its price in this life. It is not free to be high and avoid stress just with this so-called magic herb. There are consequences to it.  Everybody reacts differently to the different kinds of stuff. Just like alcohol Cannabis has a different type of them. Marijuana strains are sativa, indigo, and hybrid. Everyone has a different body type and reaction to it.

Cannabis also has an adverse effect on your brain. Since it is stealing your vital minerals from your cells to give you the good affects the brain loses it is power. So focus, memory is also being affected in a bad way.

While it is ok to use it on occasion, I do not recommend to use it long-term or depend on it. Instead do yoga, meditation and praying with the combination of proper rest and healthy diet. It takes knowledge, experiment, and wisdom to realize the harmful effects of marijuana.


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