How to Rejuvenate Your Mind & Body to Feel and Stay Young.


Let’s study what improves us in appearance, health, and well-being, and that can take a few years away from our appearance, rejuvenate inside, and keep us in excellent health.


  • Consume natural foods; no unnatural or refined products.

  • Eat fruits, vegetables, and grains naturally, not canned. 

  • Maintain a healthy mind

  • Physical exercises, walking, running, dancing and others.


Deep breaths.

Yoga is excellent in this aspect, and it is also a great help to keep us active.

The Jin Ji Du Li. It is a straightforward exercise with excellent results.

There are also other disciplines such as tai chi, chi kung, Tibetan, and qigong.

Exercise is excellent and keeps the body healthy, flexible, and youthful. There are many testimonies of people who talk about the benefits of these rites from the first day they did them; some have spent many years with the rituals and are happy and healthy.

We must achieve complete harmony to improve our physical conditions.


  • The chronological age is the one we deduct according to our identity document or birth certificate. This age cannot be changed, unless, as many do, they lie when they say how old they are.

  • The biological age, by taking into account our health, and biological markers. Some examples:

– body fat,

– blood pressure.

– hormonal levels,

– aerobic capacity,

– muscle strength,

– immunological function.

This is very important for those of us who seek to reverse the aging process.

For example, if a fifty-year-old person is careful with his diet, exercises and others, he will surely have a biological age of about 35 or 40 years.

Psychological age talks about how we feel about emotions. People who go for a walk, bike, laugh, play with their children, and stay active in a job even if they are retired feel better; their bodies work with greater efficiency, energy, and vitality, and feel more encouraged to live.

The primary thing is to achieve harmony between mind, body, emotions and spirit. We can change by modifying our way of seeing ourselves and seeing what surrounds us.

We can reverse the aging process and rejuvenate if we undergo certain changes in our habits, emotions, nutrition, exercise, and health.


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