How to Change Negative Thoughts into Positive


Why do we define a negative or positive thought? It is not the thoughts themselves that are good or bad, right or wrong, as with any external event that influences our lives.

And neither negative nor positive. When a thought enters our minds, regardless of the cause, we can only do three things:

  • Let it go, making it irrelevant to our emotional state.
  • Judge and comment on it, giving it life and strength; and
  • Repeat it, making it a belief.

When we talk about what we call spells in the future, we will deepen the effect of constant repetition of thought.

What we’re interested in right now is what happens when we judge and comment on one of our thoughts: we provide it with extraordinary energy, making it capable of changing our reality.

Every time you feel an emotion, whether it makes you feel good or makes you feel bad, you are beginning to invite an event in your life that will take you to try it 

Unless you know specific techniques that allow you to attract what you want, not everyone knows how to predict which specific event will happen to them.

But it is certain that by keeping that emotion alive within you long enough, you will experience in your reality an event in which it is the protagonist.

So, if you generate a thought that makes you feel proud and maintain an emotion that corresponds inwardly to pride for a while, something in your life will soon happen that will make you proud. 

This is what is meant by creative imagination—the great power of the human mind.

If you’ve followed the reasoning up to this point, you’ve probably realized that the key to living a life rich in what you want to experience is knowing how to generate thoughts that produce the emotions you want to feel.

This also leads you to believe that what we claim to want is frequently nothing more than a means of proving certain emotions. People want “more money” not because they want to see their bank account grow, but because money gives them emotions like security, peace of mind, and freedom.

Similarly, you want “success” not because it’s nice to be successful in and of itself, but because successful people feel pride, confidence, pleasure, and enthusiasm and want to continue experiencing these feelings.

The focus of this post is thus on how to change all of the thoughts that do NOT generate the emotions you want to experience in your life. To accomplish this, practice the following steps:

  • Make a list of events that you want to attend between now and three months. Everything is fine, but it must be specific and dependent on you: change a bad habit, keep a monthly turnover record, overcome an old fear, repair a personal relationship, and start an activity. Choose what you want, own it, and act on your true desires.


  • Answer this question under the description of what you want to happen (be specific when writing it): what kinds of emotions will I try when it happens? You can also help yourself by imagining yourself in a scene where you already have what you’ve written to want and noting how it makes you feel. Make a list of at least three emotions that you intend to try.


  • Carry a list of three emotions or memorize it; it’s only three words. From now on, whenever you become aware of a different mood (that is, whenever you become aware of being angry, bored, disappointed, anxious, resigned, and so on), return to the image of your intent (closing your eyes for a few seconds helps) and recreate the emotions that you want to try instead.


Of course, no one can keep all the 60 thousand estimated thoughts we generate every day under control, especially since most of them are unconscious.

For example, you can use this protocol to work effectively on issues such as money, wealth, and prosperity, so you will only need to apply this type of “supervision” of your thoughts when you are aware of it.

This is a simple and effective way to turn negative thoughts into positive ones, and it is a habit that will only require a little attention and commitment at first. Once it has become automatic, its effectiveness will be consistent, and you will be able to fully enjoy the benefits it brings into your life.

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