10 Dangerous Effects of Severe Cold Weather on Health and Vitality


While I don’t mind 3 or 4 degrees, I wouldn’t want to be outside in -10 or lower temperatures for a long period, especially if you’re used to warmer weather. I’ve been through harsh winters and suffered the consequences.

I remember my fingers frozen during soccer practice and having a dry cough for 5 months after that day. Many people are unaware of these negative effects, and if they were, they would not want to live in a colder climate.

Although there are few health benefits of cold weather in moderation, the damaging effects on our vitality are underestimated. 

Asthma, chronic bronchitis, and emphysema are just a few respiratory conditions that can be made worse by cold weather.

People with chronic conditions, such as cardiovascular disease and respiratory disease, are more at risk when exposed to cold temperatures.

In particular, older people are more susceptible to strokes, heart attacks, pneumonia, depression, and worsening arthritis the longer they are exposed to the cold.

This is what happens if you are exposed to cold weather for an extended period of time;

1- Immune System Weakens

Cold weather can compromise your immune system, making you more susceptible to the flu and other illnesses. The greater your chances of becoming ill.

The flu virus spreads so easily during the winter because the virus is more stable and can stay in the air for longer when it’s cold and dry.

Walking down the street on a cold, dry day is more likely to give you the flu than sitting in a warm office. Viruses are the main reason for getting sick however the chances are higher to catch it in the winter season.

Asthmatics may experience difficulties in cold weather. Cold, dry air causes the air passages in some asthma patients’ lungs to contract, making breathing difficult.

Cold, dry air can aggravate skin conditions like eczema by drying it out. Even if you don’t feel like it, it’s critical to drink plenty of water during the winter months to stay hydrated and avoid dry, flaky skin.

2- Vitamin and mineral deficiency

You may lose vitamins and minerals as your body attempts to keep warm. This is correct. The body, like stress, requires minerals to combat stress. You lose vitamins when you shiver from the cold. Most people do not know this secret correlation.

3- Digestion Issues

Severe cold weather is hard on your digestive system. Avoid eating outside or being exposed to cold temperatures after a meal. Because your body is already using energy to digest food, shaking from a cold may harm your liver, stomach, and other organs. 

4- Risk of a Heart attack

Shoveling snow may increase your risk of a heart attack. Cold temperatures cause arteries to constrict, increasing the workload on your heart.

The cold weather can put additional strain on our cardiovascular system. Cold temperatures cause your blood vessels to constrict, your breathing to become shallow, and your blood to thicken slightly. People with heart disease may experience chest pain as a result of these changes.

5- Decrease in Libido and Testosterone

In a severe cold climate, the loss of vital minerals such as zinc and vitamin D can result in low testosterone levels. As a result, libido may suffer.

6- May Cause Cough

If you are out in the cold for an extended period of time, you may become sick or develop a dry cough that takes a long time to go away.

7- Lowers Vitality and Energy

Cold winters reduce your vitality and life quality in general. You waste more energy and are less productive.

8- Vitamin D deficiency

There is no natural vitamin D available during the winter. Worse, staying outside causes you to lose some vitamin D. Low vitamin D levels can lead to a variety of physical and mental illnesses.

9- May Cause Hormonal Imbalance

Zinc and other essential minerals such as vitamin D are lost during thermal stress. Due to this Hormonal Imbalance and Adrenal Fatigue can develop.

10- Depression

Depressed people are already triggered by a lack of sunlight and gray skies. Combine this with low vitamin D levels and vitamin and mineral loss, and your chances of depression increase.







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