5 Types of Food to Avoid If You Want to Increase Energy and Vitality

A nutritious diet is essential for good health, vitality, quality of life, and happiness.

Food provides us with the energy we need to function properly both physically and mentally. While some foods provide us with the nutrition we need to function, others deplete and sap our vital energy.

I experimented with food and nutrition for over two decades in order to improve digestion and vitality. The following contains a summary of my experience and knowledge that I would like to share with you.

Be more mindful of what you eat to avoid illness, fatigue, unwanted fat gain, and even muscle loss.

1- Dry Meat

Cooking red meat or chicken incorrectly reduces stomach acid and causes indigestion.

Meat that is undercooked, overcooked, or of poor quality can be detrimental to digestion and overall health.

Acid reflux, IBS, and a variety of other stomach and digestive issues can all have an impact on one’s quality of life.

To make digestion easier, always aim to cook properly. Choose juicy meat over dry meat.

2- Soggy and low-quality bread

Some people develop and experience digestive disorders such as bloating, heartburn, and fullness after eating low-quality bread. Many people are unaware of the problem and continue to consume it.

Low-quality bread saps your energy and fatigues you, while also negatively impacting your mental health. You may be more vulnerable to other illnesses and problems as well. In other words, the type of bread you eat on a regular basis has a significant impact on your energy and health.

3- Processed food, Unnatural packaged food

Processed foods are one of the leading causes of unwanted conditions, weight problems, and tiredness. Junk food does not provide us with enough nutrients to stay healthy and fit.

Preservatives, artificial colors, substances, unhealthy oils, antibiotics, hormones, and other chemicals that can harm our bodies and health are commonly found in processed meat, processed packaged frozen food, and packaged goods.

This type of food can be harmful to our digestive system and organs. Our vitality and energy may decline in the long run, making us ill, depressed, and less productive, as well as preventing us from looking good and healthy.

4- Excessive Cheese and Dairy Consumption

Consuming too much cheese, particularly high-fat cheese, can cause gas and indigestion in some people. An excessive amount of calcium and fat cannot be absorbed by the body.

In the long run, consuming too much calcium can result in toxic accumulation and magnesium deficiency. Some people may experience constipation if they consume too much dairy and not enough fiber.

Undigested dairy can cause flatulence, acne, insomnia, and even depression in some people.

5- Fried and oily foods

Your body can tolerate and digest a certain amount of fat when consumed all at once or throughout the day.

Excessive fat consumption can cause indigestion and a loss of energy, leaving you irritable and fatigued.

Avoid using too much oil in your cooking and limit your intake of fried foods. Use healthy fats such as olive oil.

The undigested fat can clog your intestines and cause liver and gallbladder damage.

If you have constant fatigue, low energy, digestive problems, or other health issues, consider which of the above food types you still consume. To increase your energy and stay healthy, avoid or limit them.

These foods could be the source of your health and weight issues. Avoiding them will bring you one step closer to increasing your vitality and happiness.


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