10 Bad Habits That Cause Depression


Today, I will discuss 10 bad habits that can either cause or worsen depression. Through my personal experience and observations, I have found that these habits can trigger or worsen depression in individuals with low vitality.

Depression is a mood disorder characterized by persistent feelings of sadness and loss of interest, which can significantly disrupt daily life.


  1. Sleeping late and waking up late

For individuals with depression, waking up late can be detrimental to their recovery. Waking up earlier in the morning can significantly reduce the risk of depression. To alleviate and heal depression, I recommend that people go to bed early and get up earlier.

However, I’ve noticed that many people are unable or unwilling to break this bad habit. Irregular sleep schedules can affect mood and increase the risk of developing symptoms of depression.


  1. Staying in bed and playing on your phone

Staying in bed and not wanting to start the day can worsen depression and is often a sign of depression. Both staying in bed in the mornings and staying up late at night can exacerbate feelings of depression.

Finding a balance between connectedness, mindfulness, and rest is crucial.


  1. Skipping meals

People who skip meals and do not consume sufficient nutrition are more likely to experience depression. This habit prevents individuals from alleviating depressive symptoms.


  1. Not caring about nutrition

A common observation among people with depression is their lack of concern for their diet. Neglecting nutrition can significantly affect overall vitality and mental health.

Consuming unhealthy foods that are detrimental to mental health is a harmful habit for many individuals.


  1. Staying indoors and avoiding sunlight and fresh air

Many depressed individuals make the mistake of not spending enough time outside for fresh air and enjoyment. Not going outside for sunlight and fresh air may lead to low mood and increased feelings of depression.


  1. Watching too much TV, playing games, or using social media

I conducted an experiment on people with depressive disorders and discovered that excessive TV watching, gaming, or spending time on social media can increase depression symptoms.

Individuals sensitive to depression are more likely to experience depressive episodes with this habit.


  1. Lack of exercise or physical activity

A sedentary lifestyle and avoiding exercise can contribute to lethargy and depression to some extent. In my opinion, being inactive can lead to increased stress on the body and organs.


  1. Overthinking

Overthinking is a waste of time and energy. Excessive thinking can deplete energy levels, contributing to a vicious cycle where overthinking increases the likelihood of depression, and depression, in turn, leads to more overthinking.

“Everything is energy and Everything is connected.”

Matt M. Eccles


  1. Eating junk food

The gut-brain connection plays a crucial role in mental health. Fast food diets, which are high in unhealthy fats and low in essential nutrients and fiber, can negatively impact mental health.


  1. Working excessively to the point of burnout

Working excessively without sufficient rest or vacation can easily worsen symptoms of depression. Giving your body the rest it needs is crucial for maintaining overall physical and mental health.

“If you give your body what it needs, the body will heal itself.”

Matt M. Eccles


Understanding these bad habits and how they can contribute to feelings of depression is essential for recognizing one’s situation and working towards improvement.

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