Hidden Causes of Heartburn You Must Know


I’d like to share with you three major causes of heartburn that no one addresses. Eating certain foods, such as those high in dairy, spicy, high fat, oily and fried foods, and for some people, mint, coffee, and citrus foods, is one of the most common causes of heartburn.

This is the information that can be found on the internet. However, I am here to share my experiments on various body types in order to raise awareness that there are other major causes of heartburn and acid reflux that you should be aware of.

Let me discuss the three most common reasons why you may experience heartburn based on my experiments, research, and knowledge.

I conducted experiments on people of various body types, and the majority of them reacted in the same way, with the exception of one person who had a strong digestive system and therefore did not notice the negative effects.

Eating dry foods, particularly dry meat, is one of the most common causes of heartburn that few people are aware of. Three factors must be considered before eating meat.

1-Meat quality

2-Cooking method

3-How much to eat to avoid overeating

Some people don’t feel well after eating too much meat. As a result, some people choose to be vegetarians or vegans. However, meat is not the primary cause of illness or unpleasant feelings.

All type of meat, including beef, chicken, and turkey, must be natural and organic, not injected with hormones and antibiotics. In this case, the quality and freshness of the meat are critical.

Some do not properly cook meat. Overcooked meat, as well as incorrect cooking, can cause the meat to become dry, causing some people to experience heartburn. Because the body requires more stomach acid and enzymes to digest meat. If you have low stomach acid, you will experience heartburn, bloating, and acid reflux.


Overeating after not getting enough sleep is another cause of heartburn. Sleep deprivation weakens your digestive system. Bloating and heartburn will occur if you eat more than your body can handle.

Palm oil and cotton seed oil, which can be found in packaged or canned foods, are also heartburn and acid reflux triggers.

They may even cause dry cough in some people. So, if you don’t want to experience an unpleasant sensation, I recommend that you avoid these unhealthy oils.

Any food containing oil or butter, such as pastries, stew, bread, and sandwiches, should be warmed or toasted before eating. When dry or hard oil is consumed, it can cause heartburn and discomfort.

To prevent heartburn, it is critical to make sure the meat is juicy and avoid dry meat, certain oils in specific amounts, and too many oily and fried foods.







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