8 Types of Meditation Techniques for Better Health


Some meditation methods and styles are equally helpful for improving physical and mental health. Several of these methods include:

  1. Guided Meditation: This type of meditation is practiced with the help of a guide or teacher.
  2. Mantra Meditation: Mantra meditation is practiced by the repetition or chanting of a mantra, word, or phrase.
  3. Conscious Meditation: Conscious meditation is taking a rest and being aware of your surroundings.
  4. Yoga or Tai Chi: Both yoga and tai chi involve performing various positions with a concentration on the breath while balancing the movements.
  5. Deep breathing: This is a simple meditation technique that focuses exclusively on deep breaths in your chest.
  6. Seeing: For beginners who practice meditation through visualization it is quite easy. In this traditional method, the meditator usually shows a deity or a chosen object.
  7. Watching: This type of meditation also known as Drishti means seeing or searching. Here the meditator focuses on the object with his eyes open.
  8. Prayers and Affirmations: in this form of meditation, you can mix meditation with praying for peace, health and happiness. You may pray to God and say and repeat positive affirmations that make you feel better.
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